Wednesday, April 1, 2009

UPDATE 4-1-09 at 12:00pm

Monty and I have left the room long enough to grab something to eat and sit down. Faith's room is very crowded with people and equipment that we don't even have chairs to sit in. We have to stand the whole time, which is a challenge! Sorry for ignoring phone calls and texts, but it is close quarters in there and we have been focused on Faith.

So let me fill you in on what we know...which still isn't that much. Basically, the next 18 hours are a critical recovery time. Her heart already had trauma from the surgery and then another trauma with the bloodloss. Her blood pressure continues to remain low and they are using every tool they have to keep it at an acceptable level. She continues to have the breathing tube and vent and they have added gases to help her lungs and heart relax. The right and left ventricles are extremely stiff right now so they are not doing their job properly, but that is common after cardiac surgery and that is why the next 18 hours or so is so critical. If they can get her over this hump, then hopefully her heart will begin to relax and work the way the surgery intended it to. They considered using BiPass, but her heart is such an irregular shape that it would be very difficult, but it remains an option if things don't improve. They have discussed other options as well, but are first trying the simplest solutions and hoping those will work.

Faith has incisions now down her entire bodice and is so bruised and swollen. I would post a picture, but it is too sad. She is running a fever and is unresponsive at the moment. To me, it seems like her color has improved a bit since the morning and I am hoping that is the case and it is not me just wishing it to be so. (I don't think it is)

Obviously, we are concerned, but Faith has a wonderful medical team behind her and we trust them to do everything they possibly can. They are putting in a PICC line at the moment so she has stable access and they continue to discuss her recovery options. As soon as there is something more concrete in her condition, I will let you know. All of you that know Faith, know she can endure quite a bit and get right back up. So, I am confident it will be the same this just will take more time than we would like.

Thank you to all who are checking in and for the good thoughts and prayers.


  1. Oh my gosh Shelly! I am so sorry to hear that Faith has been having such a difficult time. My heart goes out to you, I know how hard this waiting can be. Can I come by for a visit? I am praying for you guys.

  2. Thank you for your prayers Andrea...we need them! Basically, Dr. Raff was unsure if Faith would make it through the night. However, it is 12:30am and she is still hanging in there. I would love for you to visit so as soon as she is more stable and some of the craziness has died down, I will let you know.
