Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years, 2010

A new year. Wow. I must admit that I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand, this year was horrible and I am ready to move on from it. On the other hand, it was the last year with my daughter and it is hard for me to separate from it.

January marks seven months without my Faith. I miss her everyday. I miss her crooked smile, her laugh, her voice, her hasn't gotten any easier. However, I will say that the anger and guilt are starting to lesson and the dark cloud that has been over my head is starting to rise. I am starting to want to put myself out there: volunteer at the hospital, volunteer at the kid's school, help other grieving families, adopt again, possibly go back to school myself. I have to believe there was a purpose for all of this and it is leading me somewhere. With the black cloud that has been following me around, I have been incapable of any sense of direction. With it lifting, perhaps I will see the path I am to follow. That is my hope for 2010.

We are starting our new year off right by heading to Hawaii! We will be leaving on what would have been Faith's sixth birthday, January 17th. We will release our yellow balloons to her on one of Maui's beautiful beaches. It will be special, just like her.

Hawaii will be the start of a year of continued healing and renewed hope in life. It will be a year of strengthening my relationship with myself, my husband, my extended family and the children that are here.

I know Faith wants us to be happy. I know she would want us to be strong and work on loving each other. Just like in my previous post, we need to live in honor of her name:

F = Family. Always put family first.

A = Acceptance. Accept what you have been given in life. Just like the Serenity prayer;
Accept the things you cannot change, courage to change the things you can and wisdom to know the difference. I have to accept that Faith and my mom are not here. I can't change that or other things in life that are beyond my control. However, I can change my reaction to them. I do have control over that.
Also, accept people for who they are. You cannot change people. Again, all you can do is have control over your reactions to them.
So, Accept that we are all flawed. Everyone has shortcomings and allow for some mistakes. Once you accept people "as is", it makes things so much easier. No expectations.

I = Integrity. Live your life with integrity. Stand up for what you believe in, even if difficult. Be responsible for your own actions and for your own character. Make your own choices. Do what you believe is right for you and your loved ones.

T = Trust. You HAVE to trust yourself and the ones you love. Live your life in a way that allows others to trust you completely. Trust is a key component to any relationship.

H = Happiness. Faith had happiness through all adversity. She was a true example of how to live life and love life! With her example, we need to make ourselves happy and do our best to make other's happy. Being happy is the best way to honor Faith.

Faith was the best thing to ever happen to me. I want to finish my time here living my life in this way, in honor of her name and what she represented. I will try my best to make her proud. I will try until my time on Earth is over and I get to see my baby again!



  1. Another beautiful post Shelly. It brings tears to my eyes. What a wonderful way to honor Faith, by living your life with family, acceptance, integrity, trust and happiness. We should all strive to live that way. Hawaii sounds like just the right way to spend Faith's birthday. I hope it is a time of relaxation and closeness for your family.

  2. Shelly-I didn't know that you were posting here again and I just sent you a message on Facebook. I am not sure what to say but believe me..I think of all of you often! I have to run right now but I will be stopping back to read your posts. Here is a New Years hug for all of you!

    Lynne B

  3. Happy New Year to you and your family !!! You are correct,it is difficult to move on,But you will always have Faith to help you. Enjoy your vacation!!!! We think of you often.. Barbara and Nick. NH

  4. I just wanted to say hello. Someone directed me to your blog, as I too lost my baby girl this past year. She was only 4 months old and was my 3rd child (3rd daughter too). We knew before birth that she would have Down syndrome and congenital heart defects requiring open-heart surgery in infancy. She was in congestive heart failure and had her open-heart surgery on Nov. 18, 2009. She developed complications...multi-system failure...arms and legs turning purple, etc. She passed away in my arms on Nov. 20th. I just wanted to say I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Faith.

    Emily, KY

  5. Emily - My heart goes out to you. I am very sorry for your loss. It sounds like our girls suffered similar fates after surgery. Allow yourself to go through the roller coaster of emotions you will endure. Take time for yourself when you need it. Allow yourself to have those bad days. Like I said in my post, you do not get over grief, but slowly you learn how to live with it. If you would like to talk privately, please to not hesitate to write! My email is Again, sorry for the loss of your sweet baby girl...and thank you for acknowledging my loss. Shelly

  6. Hi Shelly,

    Just wanted to let you know that I will be spending January 17th at a fundraiser for the Ryan and Jenny Dempster Family Foundation (Ryan Dempster is a pitcher for the Chicago Cubs and his 8 month old daughter has 22q11). I will be saying a few words about Ramona and would be honored to to say a few words about Faith as well if you don't mind.

    I think of you and your family so often and your battle for Faith gives me the strength needed when things seem so difficult for our little girl. Wishing you a new year of healing and hope as you continue to grieve.


  7. Jane - I would be honored if you spoke of Faith!!! Feel free to say as little or as much as you would like. You are more than welcome to use pictures, as well. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.
    I think any grieving parent would agree that we LIVE for our child to somehow live on. By sharing her story and knowing she helps you gain strength when times are tough with your daughter, it allows her to somehow live on. I can't think of a greater gift to her memory. Thank you.


  8. Shelly-I hope all of you enjoy Hawaii. My family will also be releasing a balloon tomorrow in memory of Faith's birthday.

