Wednesday, May 6, 2009

DAY 36

Faith is back in the operating room. Her wound-vac has continued to leak and an order is present that smells like dead tissue. They are going in to explore. Prayers, prayers. This feels like a make it or break it situation. I'll update when I am able. PRAY!

UPDATE: Faith is out of surgery and I am happy to report they actually found something this time! There was a hole in her Ileum, which is the final section of the small intestine. They repaired it and then created an ostomy for Faith. The ostomy consists of pulling part of her intestine through the abdominal wall. An ostomy bag will be used over the site and her bowel can be eliminated through that. It is something she can have long term. She did well during during surgery and we will see how the night goes. Hopefully uneventful.

I pray this is the answer to all of these gut issues that we have been having that have created so many problems. Only time will tell.

Obviously, I didn't get to go home today. I may leave late tonight if she seems stable or wait until the morning. We will see how things go. Monty would stay here. I miss the other kids so much and need to see their sweet faces.

*** Drew - so many people have commented how much they LOVE your beautiful picture to Faith! Thank you so much for it. Faith will be very happy to see it when she is awake enough to look at it.


  1. Praying right now for Faith and for you.
    Jeff and Laurie Jennings

  2. Shelly,
    I honestly have no words, just prayers! My thoughts remain with you. I completely understand how that place (as would any hospital) can get to you. My hope is you got some recharging time with all your other babies and are prepared once again for the days ahead. Take care of yourself and your relationship with Monty. With love -Tina

  3. I am lifting you up in prayer right now. I pray that you feel Jesus's arms around you as you wait for Faith to return from the OR, I pray for complete healing for Faith, wisdom for the doctors and the courage and strength to endure this trial.

  4. We're praying for you and Faith in Southern California, Shelly.
    Love, Andrea's mom

  5. We are still praying!!!!!!!!!!! Pray the night goes smooth.... Prayers and more prayers... Barbara and Nick. NH

  6. Congrats Faith you did it again!
    You are all so strong our prayers are with you.

  7. I am also praying for you everyday!
    Andrea's sister

  8. Shelly,
    Sooo glad to hear they found something this time and it was repaired. I'm praying, as you and everyone else is, that time well heal all. Continuing to think of you and your family often. I hope your visit with the others is a pleasant and joyful one. With love, Tina

  9. So glad that they found something Shelly. Praying for healing and for you.

  10. Still keeping your family in my prayers, and my mom's church is hard at work praying for Faith as well. Stay strong!
    -Laura Jaeggi, Andrea's friend

  11. You guys are incredibly strong...we are keeping the Faith with you.
    Melba & Ken
