Friday, May 1, 2009

DAY 31 - update

For those of you that know hospital life - things constantly change. Faith is not an exception. So, after her primary physicians here in the ICU consulted with Dr. Marr, a pediatric GI surgeon, a new plan has been set.

Dr. Marr works here at UCD and also at Sutter Memorial so many of you may know him and how great he is. He has a friend that does ERCP on adults that has worked on some of Dr. Marr's pediatric patients, as well. They would like to work together to do an endoscopic ultrasound to look at Faith's ducts and see if they are completely blocked or not. This is a non-invasive procedure that will give us a plan of action. If their is a complete blockage, then we need to go to one of the options I spoke of earlier. If there is flow, but it is compressed, they can put a tube in through her nose into the area (called a nasobiliary tube) to drain some of the fluid or put an actual stent in to create an opening for fluid to flow through.

This is much less risky, even with the tissue of the pancreas and they feel confident they won't disturb that tissue. Of course, there is always risk but it is much less than the other two especially when it comes to bleeding issues.

So, I feel good about this...well, as good as I could in this situation. They think they can perform this on Monday if they can coordinate with anesthesia. I think this is a safer, smarter route to go under these circumstances. Hopefully, the area is not fully blocked and can be simply and safely opened up. This is what I will be praying for.

Today she will be going to Interventional Radiology for a G-J tube. She has a gastric tube, but that area is partially blocked and feeding has not been successful. By going into the small intestine, we can hopefully get her fed. She has had a G-J tube before and they can be a pain, but this is what she needs right now. This procedure does involve anesthesia, as well, but it is very low risk. The poor girl hasn't been fed for a month, so it is necessary! Wish us luck.


  1. Wow Shelly! You must be exhausted just keeping up with the constant change of pace there. As always, I'm lifting you up in prayer and hoping for whatever is best for Faith. Don't forget to show Faith the picture that Drew made! I think she will like it. =)

  2. Shelly OMG! Amazing how things change over night... I am soo hoping this will be the answer...My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family...and of course Miss Faithie..... Give that sunshine kisses from me. "Big" Faithie

  3. Dr. Marr is a awesome surgeon....I am finally happy with the plan of action.

    Love you!

  4. I am praying for Faith. May she not have a complete blockage and the surgery work so she may be fed soon. Praying that you may continue to have strength. You are amazing Shelly!

    Becky Lingo

  5. I hope you all got to spend a few hours of family time during the McDonald House move :) Baseball was canceled today so I'm home if you need to call (I assume the texting limits are in affect, it's been a few hours since I've heard from you..ha ha). The Basement Winer group has all checked in today and sends you their love and prayers. We are all looking forward to seeing Monty and the kids tomorrow at 3! I miss them, today is my first day not seeing them in awhile.... I'm sure I'll talk to you around midnight :) Nancy

  6. Hi,
    My name is Rebecca, I have been touched by your family through Andrea's blog. Drew and my son Vaughn were in the NICU together. Vaughn is a 24 week twin preemie. Vaughn has had several medical issues, one of which was necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), this occured during his first week of life. I attribute a large portion of Vaughn's survival to Dr. Marr. Dr. Marr operated on Vaughn twice, both with much success. He is an amazing doctor. We will keep Faith and your family in our prayers, she is a beautiful child.

  7. Hi Shelly, thanks for the udate. Mr. Marr was one of my son's surgeon. We love him - I think you're in good hands. He's perfomed multiple surgeries on my little Baxter (and I MEAN multiple!), but it's been like 9-10 years ago, so I can remember all of them, but her did ALL of our "GI" stuff. I will be that Faith would get fed soon :). >Hugs<

    Desiree Burrier

  8. Sorry, I meant *update* and *Dr. Marr*. I can't type today....

  9. Michelle MadduxFriday, 01 May, 2009

    Shelly - hoping everything goes well with Dr. Marr. We are a Sutter family, and we have been happy with many of their drs. and surgeons. I continue to expect a miracle for little Faith! Keep up your determination, advocation, and dedication for your daughter!

  10. Shelly,

    I continue to pray for Faith and the rest of your family! I'm also wishing for guidance and insight for the doctors working on your daughter. Stay strong!

  11. Just checking in to see how things are going. Thanks for taking the time to keep us all informed. Caleb is praying for Faith each night...we haven't forgotten her!


  12. I agree with Valerie - Dr. Marr is a fantastic Dr. I worked with him for 12 years - he is smart, knows what he is doing, and is someone I would trust my daughter with. Sounds like a great plan!

  13. Sounds like Dr. Marr is the man. Praise God for him. O Lord, You are the great Physician, be Dr. Marr's eyes, hands and mind - for Thy glory O Lord. Thank you.

    With love and unceasing prayer,
    Jackie Lipuma

  14. Hugs to you all. We've been right where you are today.
    Been there with a little one who hasn't been fed for awhile too- that will be a relief to you all. Waitng to hear the outcome of the day! :)
